Veronica Brown Healing
Let Your Magic Begin!
Veronica Brown

Veronica’s perspectives on healing are greatly shaped by her upbringing. Her father, Joseph Epes Brown, was a renowned author and scholar of Native American Studies. He released his first book, The Sacred Pipe, after living with Black Elk, a Sioux Holy Man. Veronica was raised with the awareness and experience of Native American spirituality and healing ceremonies, which has profoundly influenced her work. She was raised in wild spaces such as Sedona and Montana, which instilled in her a deep connection to the powers of the natural world.
An intuit and empath, Veronica has expanded her techniques by working with respected healers for the past 30 years. She was fortunate to study with Yogi Bhajan and received her Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Certification under Guru Singh and Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa in 1991. Veronica was based in Los Angeles for 25 years with her private practice, which included Kundalini Yoga instruction, healing bodywork sessions, traveling with clients, and leading retreats and workshops. Her other certifications include Breathwork Facilitator (David Elliot), and TRE Provider. Veronica toured extensively with Red Hot Chili Peppers and other musicians to ensure they remained grounded, healthy, and energized through yoga and healing bodywork.
Drawn back to the mountains, Veronica is now based in Montana. She continues her private practice, teaches, and travels to share her healing.

Healing Approach
It is with a huge smile and wide open heart that I guide others to heal themselves, knowing that everything you need is already inside of you. I encourage you to breathe, laugh, cry, yell, soar. Release your anger, fears, frustration, sadness; release it all to heal and make space for love, peace, and truth. By raising our vibration and building resilience, we feel lighter, open to the possible, and more connected to spirit.
By deepening the connection to the universal energy, we are guided more by our internal compass, rather than the world’s expectations. I will help you to consciously connect with the ever present source of life energy.
You'll be loved. You'll be encouraged. You'll be pushed. You'll be held.
TRE (Traumatic Release Exercise)
Kundalini Yoga
Healing Bodywork
Aromatouch (DoTerra Distributor)
“All the powers in the universe are already ours.
It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.”
- Swami Vivekananda

All modalities complement any body type & all levels of experience.
Once one is comfortable with the Breathwork and TRE process, you are welcome to practice on your own.
Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)
A natural method that brings the body back into balance by shaking out stress from its root, thus completing the cycle of trauma. These exercises are performed while lying comfortably on the floor.
Tremors are an organic response to the body being over excited; be it anger, fear, or joy. Stress events can lead to freezing, numbing, running, and defending, which results in a disruptive being. Releasing through TRE helps to dissolve the disruptions and bring the body back into balance. The beauty of TRE is that one does not need to relive the memory that is being released.
It’s hard to think clearly when we are tense. By changing our physiology, the effect is a sense of joy, ease, and comfort resulting in less pain, better sleep, and greater confidence and resilience.
Breath Work
An active meditation using an ancient breath pattern to relax the mind, release stuck emotions, shift consciousness, and connect deeper with your intuition, all while lying comfortably on the floor.
Benefits include an increased focus, elevated mood, and reduced anxiety and chronic pain. This practice also promotes digestion, reduces unwanted cravings, and allows deeper sleep.
Not only is stress released in this practice, but resilience is strengthened in order to better handle stress that comes our way.
Kundalini Yoga
Known as the “Yoga of Awareness”, this practice combines breath, postures, movement, relaxation, meditation, and mantras to work on every aspect of your being. No previous experience in yoga or related discipline is required and most people experience immediate benefits from the very first class.
Kundalini strengthens the immune and nervous system, improves circulation, adjusts metabolism, purifies the blood, relaxes the mind and body, increases energy and vitality, balances the glandular system, and can help overcome addictive behavior. This practice elevates our vibrations, nurturing our connection to spirit.
Veronica incorporates the Laughing Technique into her yoga practice, using a universal breath pattern. Laughter releases negative energy outwards from the diaphragm so that new energy can move up through the body. The Laughing Technique is grounding, releases serotonin, strengthens the immune system, and is fun!
Benefits of all Techniques
Releases chronic tension and emotional or physical trauma
Increases energy, stamina, and creativity
Alleviates anxiety & depression
Relieves body aches, including back pain, headaches, and TMJ
Improves patience & resilience
Improves digestion, immune system, and overall body functionality
Improves recovery time for athletes or anyone with injuries
Follow and subscribe to the Veronica Brown Healing YouTube Channel,
where Veronica will be posting virtual healing sessions and meditations!


This workshop is postponed due to
COVID-19 compliance.
121 W Main St.
Missoula, MT
Dive deep with a unique brew of healing modalities. Reduce stress and inspire a more peaceful state of mind. Learn tools to integrate healing into your life.
Open the heart, mind, & body through Kundalini Yoga
Go deep with the active meditation of Revelation Breathwork
Deep relax as you go into your Bliss
$20 in advance or $25 at the door
Register at www.ddcmontana.com
Wear comfortable clothing and BYOBlanket and mat.
Shoes & judgement left at the door!
“Why be shallow and complex when you can be deep and simple.”
- Mr. Fred Rogers

“The best cure for what ails you is Veronica Brown!"
- Dave Stewart, Eurythmics
[Rolling Stone Magazine]
“Veronica Brown is a conductor of rejuvenation for the human experience. She helped me reach my potential while on tour in ways that were not possible without her. I will always be grateful for time spent working with her. Because of Veronica we’re ending healthier than we started. Veronica truly exorcised my demons!”
- Anthony Kiedis, Red Hot Chili Peppers
“Veronica Brown has been my yoga instructor and mentor for over ten years. I cannot overstate the value of her teaching in my life. When I stumbled into her class ten years ago, I left a changed person. Not only did she help me heal my body from several chronic health problems, she helped me learn to manage stress and find a spiritual aspect to my life. With grace and humor, Veronica guides her students inwards and encourages them to explore their body, breath and spirit in a way that is truly profound. I have reached meditative states in her classes that are unlike anything else I have experienced. Veronica is a truly gifted healer, bodyworker and yogi. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”
- Lauren Maher
CYT/RYT, Yoga Instructor and former student of Veronica
“Everybody has different things that keep them together… we have Veronica!”
- Flea, Red Hot Chili Peppers [Missoulian]
“I went through a traumatic experience and with Veronica’s healing I had a successful recovery for which I am grateful. VB is no ordinary therapist. She doesn’t look at the body/mind/soul as separate pieces. Instinctively she sees everything as a whole. Therefore after a session with her, you feel healed- not only physically, but also spiritually rejuvenated.”
- Dave Stewart, Eurythmics
“Being worked on by Veronica is like listening to the music of a master composer—both know where to go to keep the experience continually moving, relaxing, energizing, uplifting and inspiring.”
- Rivers Cuomo, Weezer
“I am super happy, humble, inspired and grateful for my teacher, Veronica Brown! I keep her advice to laugh a LOT in mind...I describe her as that rare kind of person you read about in some amazing book – but she actually exists! She teaches and heals with an open heart, a sense of humor, wisdom and warmth. Meeting her and working with her is positively life altering.”
- Andrew David Roascio
Yoga Instructor, former student of Veronica, Fashion/Ad Producer

“Sometimes all it takes is clearing one log from the logjam
for the river to start flowing.”